Become a “FiTness Role Model” … #iCardioFiT

What is a “Fitness Role Model”? Why are they Important?  I believe that there are 5 Great Reasons on having a “Fitness Role Model” in your life.  For most of you, you have someone in your life that is a successful figure and that you also consider a mentor/role model.  In fact, every successful person in the world has someone he/she can confide with during times of assistance, guidance, or tough times.  To be successful in anything that you do, you must really work at it, however having that person that you can always go to makes a BIG difference.

Many individuals who choose to start an exercise program often fail, due to the lack of experience and/or guidance.  Your fitness role model should help you with the following things:

– Encouragement in your Exercise program

– Provides Guidance on Nutrition, Exercise, and Stress Managment

– Gives you Positive Feedback

– Supports you enough that they will Exercise with you!

– Keeps it ReaL with you! (No Bull)

When choosing your Fitness Role model, what is it about them that inspires you to them?  Is there  certain exercise programs that they follow?   Make sure that you choose a role model that not only looks the part but also practices what they preach!  Allow yourself to be led to an active healthy lifestyle tolerating a healthy regimen nutrition and exercise!!!  Once you’ve achieve your goals, be a FiTness Role mode for someone else!

One of my mottos… “iCardio To Inspire Others” !

Stay FiT #TeamiCardioFiT … “It’s Your life, Live it RighT”!

Reggie Laroche

The Exercise Physiologist

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